
Welcome to one of the most useless websites on the internet. I swear, there is nothing interesting on here. In the beginning it was just a school project, but now I am hosting it because why not.


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School Files

Some exercises my school wants me to add to a website


Some information about my girlfriend and me you do not need to know. But if you want to feel free to have a look.

Buy Me A Coffee

I am NOT at all begging for money. This is more like a placeholder than a donation segment. This website costs me barely anything to host. So donate ONLY if you want to support a random guy on the internet or have a lot of money.


She is my girlfriend/the love of my life. Because of that and 1 billion other reasons I dedicated this segment of my website about her. If your reading this, and you happen to be my girlfriend you have to know one thing. I love you!