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This website was created by Emil W. alias Lefpadlog. It is illegal to copy the design but feel free to let it inspire you. DDoSing and other things that could harm the server or the community are not allowed. Also, I request to be nice and not say rude things. Feel free to support me by following my socials, no pressure of course. I would also appreciate it if you donated to me on buy me a coffee.

About me

Hi, I am Emil W. alias Lefpadlog and I am making this website because I am forced to :) In the moment of editing this I am 15 years old.

My life so far...

The beginning

The beginning of this story is my birth. I was born on May 12, 2008, in a decent-sized village in Austria. I never thought that I would be living there for the rest of my life, but I'm sure now that I want to. At the time of my birth I already had an older brother called Paul, and a few years after my birth my sister Jana was born. I was raised Christian with the aspect to treat other people like I want to be treated.


My family is not as big as some others are, but I love everyone in it. My mother is called Karin and my father is called Karl. Aside from my two siblings, I have plenty cousins. Sadly, my father passed away when I was thirteen. After his death we did not have much contact with his side of the family. I live with my mother, my grandmother and my two siblings in a 3-story house in a small village in Southern Austria.


I went to primary school in the village I grew up in and my grades where just As. For secondary school I went to the high school in the nearest city. In those four years my grades just sightly changed. Because I really liked to work with computers, I then chose the HTL St. Pölten as my next school. With this decision, my grades also just sightly went down to a range of A to C. The subjects I like most are Programming, Math and Webdesign Mobile Computing. In these subjects I am pretty good.


Besides the friends from my new school, I also still have contact with my old childhood friends. The problem with my school friends is that they live pretty far away, which makes doing something together pretty hard. We mostly meet when we are going to a party and I have to say, with them, it's very funny.


I also have a girlfriend called Nathalie. She is the love of my life and I am so glad that she exists. We don't have the typical relationship where the man needs to protect his woman. We have more of a relationship where I also want flowers from her. Equality. That is the main point we care about. Later in my life I will marry her, but sadly it is a bit too soon for that.

Future plans

After the HTL I want to be a programmer or a web-designer. Or maybe I will start a startup with my friends Ivo, Jamie and Jakob. I do not think that I am going to be famous, even if a few years ago I tried to be. I do not see the point why I should be. My greatest dream for the future is to be a father of three children, have Nathalie as my wife, work in a 9/5 programming job and earn 50k+ a year.

Some things about me

I do not have many hobbies, but there are still some things I like to do. Some of them are ...

  • Sleeping
  • Programming
  • Skiing
  • Hanging out with my friends
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Playing computer games
  • Loving my girlfriend

There are not many more things about me. I know I have a pretty boring live so far, but I enjoy it. And in the end that is what counts most.

Thank you

Ivo R.

Ivo R. is responsible for this website to be running. Without him and his server-making skills this would not be possible. For this I want to thank him, as well as for helping me whenever I have issues with my website.
Check out Ivo

Jamie V.

Jamie V. is, in my opinion, one of the best web-designers and has even more undiscovered potential. He gave me tips when it came to design and helped me when I had a question. I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Check out Jamie

Nathalie O.

Nathalie O. I have to thank, because she is the best girlfriend I could ever imagine. Also, I am grateful that she is always there for me when I need her. Thank you - I love you.

Moritz S.

Moritz S. is the person who spends most of his time suffering with me on discord. He also gave me tips to improve my website and helped me to check my spelling. For these things I have to say thank you.

Ramona S.

Ramona S. helped me, by gram checking this page. Sadly my english writing skill are not so good, but see what wonderful job she had done. Also, she is a pretty nice person to chat with and helps me out when I am stuck on a problem.

Jakob P.

Jakob P. just wants to be on this website. Jk. He is a pretty good friend and also helps me out sometimes. Thx a lot.